Stephen King Fancast: Willa feat. Christopher Birk

Check-In on GetGlue

The podcast is back! It’s been a long time coming since Mevio shut this podcast down (read more about that here) but it’s finally back! I am still bitter about the shutdown, however, so feel free to Tweet your hate to them on my behalf. >:)

On this episode, I am joined by  the Director of  the “Willa” adaptation, Christopher Birk. We discuss the “Willa” short story from “Just After Sunset,” and the making of Chris’ film adaptation of “Willa.” Should you be interested in finding out more info on the film, you can watch the trailer below and visit the Official Website, at Alphatree Productions.

Also, I did an interview with Christopher on this blog a few months back, so feel free to give that a read, if you like, by CLICKING HERE.

You may have heard me talking about current Facebook woes on the podcast, and here is the link to that article.

Thanx to Aiming for Aurora for providing the intro/outro music for this podcast. Thanx to The Doubleclicks for providing their song “The Internet National Anthem” for use as break music on this podcast! You really should go show both of those amazing bands your support by clicking over to their sites and buying some songs and/or saying awesome things to them! You can shoot me an email if you want to submit music for me to use on the podcast. Please include links to your preferred sites.

With everything that happened at Mevio, you will have to resubscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher or Zune. Those links are available below.

Subscribe to this podcast:  iTunes | RSS | Stitcher | Zune

Purchase “Just After Sunset”:  Amazon | Audible | iBooks


Interview: Christopher Birk, Director of Upcoming “Willa” Adaptation

Christopher Birk, Director and Screenplay writer of "Willa"

This is an interview that I did with the Director of the upcoming “Willa” adaptation, Christopher Birk. This is my first interview with someone who is not in a heavy metal band, so hang with me if it’s no good. I also want to send out a big thank you to Chris for the opportunity to interview him.

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